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Adult Ministries

Women’s Ministries

All ladies are welcome to join in activities such as Women's Brunch, crafts, Bible Study, and more!

Men’s Group

A wonderful time for great food and Christ-centered male fellowship and accountability.

Adult Sabbath School

9:30am Saturday mornings we meet in the sanctuary to discuss the week's lesson from the Sabbath School Quarterly. 

Children’s Ministries

Children’s Sabbath School

9:30am Saturday mornings.

Health Ministries

Cooking Class 

Come join us for FREE vegetarian cooking and health classes. Learn about the benefits of whole foods on your health and how to prepare healthy, appetizing meals.

Potluck/Fellowship Dinner

Join us next door to the church at the Friendship House for lunch after the church service every Saturday except the first Saturday of the month.

Community Services

Brown Bag in the Park

Join us once a month in reaching out to the Willits community, and help distribute lunches to those in need.

Upcoming Events

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© 2022